All you have to do is to Connect The Flash Drive To An USB OTG cable then plug in the Micro USB Connector of your Android mobile, cable otg tablet, mouse or wifi adapter then open USB OTG Checker & USB sticks drive pro you will see all files in USB drive and you can open files with your favorite app viewers or editors It Works well.
Android File Transfer lets you to read USB flash drives .as well as card readers from your phone or tablets. All you have to do is connect the flash drive to an USB OTG Cable then plug in the micro USB connector of your tablet, or mouse or wifi adapter then open this app you will see all files in USB drive, OTG Support Mobile and you can open them with your favorite app viewers or editors. Current support FAT32 disk format of flash drives. Note; Lite version limit single file size to 30mb, if you need to open file larger than 30mb, please consider USB Connector App.
OTG Adapter support application management like Uninstall applications, delete application and manage application like system app and user install app. also provide facility to make apk of application.
USB OTG Adapter & Flash Drive Endoscope App Checker allows you thumb drive reader to read USB OTG (On-the-go) flash drives otg pen drive, as well as card readers from your phone or tablet. All you have to do is connect the flash drive to an OTG Support App allows you to read USB flash drives otg support software flash drive, as well as card readers from your phone or tablet.
USB OTG File Manager prank and Pen Drive Connect To Mobile makes it easy to test whether your phone is compatible with USB OTG devices. OTG or On the Go USB devices are devices that can be used on the USB port of your device via a suitable USB To OTG cable
OTG Connector, often abbreviated USB OTG, OTG Mobile is a specification that allows USB devices such as digital audio players or mobile phones to act as a host, Allowing other USB devices like a USB flash drive, mouse, or keyboard to be attached to them.
Features: -
->Automatically start app on device connect
->Notification when drives mounted
->Mount and Unmount drive with a single click.
->Other Functionality of Fila manager application like delete, Share, Copy, Cut & many more.
->Full NTFS support USB OTG.
->Automatically open the mounted drive 10 Media scanner triggered on mount...
OTG USB File Explorer For Android allows you to manage files from any USB mass storage device with a FAT32 or NTFS file system using the USB OTG port of your device, tablet or phone.
It is possible to connect an External Disk or the USB Stick further it wasn't made yet, and to press the mount button then on the screen the attached devices will appear. For an output of more detailed information, it is possible to use the Mounted button.
OTG Disk Explorer gives you to peruse USB a chance to streak drives .and card peruse from your telephone or tablets. You should simply interface the blaze drive to an OTG (On-the-go) link at that point connect to the smaller scale USB connector of your tablet, or mouse or wifi connector at that point open this application you will see all records in Android Usb Driver and you can open them with your most loved application watchers or editors.
Thanking to you For Using This app, give us your feedback, rating and Consider for Future updates.
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您所要做的就是将闪存驱动器连接到USB OTG电缆,然后插入Android手机的 Micro USB连接器,电缆otg平板电脑,鼠标或wifi适配器,然后打开 USB OTG检查器和USB棒驱动器专业版您将看到USB驱动器中的所有文件,您可以使用您喜欢的应用程序查看器或编辑器打开文件它运行良好。
通过Android文件传输,您可以通过手机或平板电脑读取USB闪存驱动器以及读卡器。您只需将闪存驱动器连接到 USB OTG电缆然后插入平板电脑的微型 USB连接器,或鼠标或wifi适配器,然后打开此应用程序即可将看到USB驱动器中的所有文件, OTG Support Mobile ,您可以使用您喜欢的应用程序查看器或编辑器打开它们。目前支持闪存驱动器的FAT32磁盘格式。注意;精简版限制单个文件大小为30mb,如果需要打开大于30mb的文件,请考虑USB Connector App。
OTG Adapter 支持应用程序管理,如卸载应用程序,删除应用程序和管理应用程序,如系统应用程序和用户安装应用程序。还提供制作应用程序apk的工具。
USB OTG适配器和闪存驱动器内窥镜应用程序检查器允许您使用拇指驱动器读取器从手机或平板电脑读取USB OTG(移动中)闪存驱动器otg笔式驱动器以及读卡器。您只需将闪存驱动器连接到 OTG支持应用程序,即可通过手机或平板电脑读取USB闪存驱动器支持软件闪存驱动器以及读卡器。
USB OTG文件管理器恶作剧和笔式驱动器连接到移动设备可以轻松测试您的手机是否与USB OTG设备兼容。 OTG或On the Go USB设备是可通过合适的 USB转OTG 电缆在设备的USB端口上使用的设备
OTG连接器,通常缩写为USB OTG, OTG Mobile 是允许USB设备(如数字音频播放器或手机)充当主机的规范,允许其他USB设备如要连接的USB闪存驱动器,鼠标或键盘。
特征: -
- >在设备连接上自动启动应用程序
- >安装驱动器时的通知
- >单击即可安装和卸载驱动器。
- > Fila管理器应用程序的其他功能,如删除,共享,复制,剪切等等。
- >自动打开已安装的驱动器10安装时触发的介质扫描器...
适用于Android的OTG USB文件浏览器允许您使用设备,平板电脑或手机的USB OTG端口管理任何带有FAT32或NTFS文件系统的USB大容量存储设备中的文件。
OTG磁盘资源管理器让您有机会通过电话或平板电脑细分驱动器和卡片。您应该简单地将火焰驱动器连接到OTG(移动中)链接,此时连接到平板电脑的小型USB连接器,或者此时打开此应用程序的鼠标或wifi连接器,您将看到< b> Android Usb驱动程序,您可以与最受欢迎的应用程序观察者或编辑一起打开它们。